Teenage anxiety therapy in Colorado Springs
Why can't I stop myself from worrying?
Your son or daughter has changed. They used to be happy, carefree, confident—but now they’re withdrawn and sullen. The spark they brought to life seems to have dimmed.
Every parent wants their child to thrive. You long for your son or daughter to develop strong friendships, to enjoy school, and to be on track for a successful future.
But instead, they don't want to be around other people. They avoid trying new things. They shut down when you try to talk with them. They seem like they’re evading your questions, and you don't know how to help.
Anxiety causes young people to either withdraw or push themselves too far, sometimes to the point of panic attacks. But anxiety doesn’t have to define your child. They can reach their potential and can step into a fulfilling life.
Therapy can help them learn how to manage their anxiety, in Colorado Springs, and adapt to whatever situation they’re facing.

Through therapy, your anxious teen will learn how to:
connect with friends and develop meaningful relationships
act more confidently as they appreciate who they are
understand what triggers the anxiety of teenagers and how to manage those triggers
stop trying to do things perfectly and instead be satisfied with doing their best
use tools that help them manage their teenage anxiety and adapt to every life situation
Your child will benefit most from anxiety therapy in Colorado Springs if:
they are at least 12 years old
they avoid normal tasks or take unusually long amounts of time to finish simple tasks
they struggle with motivation in school and other activities
they have goals and ambitions but seem stuck in the pursuit of those goals
Is therapy actually helpful for my teen's ANXIETY?
As someone who has dealt with anxiety, I understand how challenging it can be for teenagers to cope with the overwhelming feelings that come with this condition. If your teenager is experiencing anxiety, know that there is hope and help available.
Anxiety can manifest itself in different ways, including constant worry, fear, panic attacks, and avoidance of certain situations. Here are some common signs that your child may be experiencing anxiety:
Changes in behavior: Your teenager may become increasingly withdrawn, irritable, or agitated. They may also start avoiding social situations or showing a lack of interest in activities they once enjoyed.
Physical symptoms: Anxiety can cause physical symptoms such as headaches, stomachaches, fatigue, and difficulty sleeping.
Excessive worry: Your adolescent may worry excessively about everyday situations, such as school or social interactions.
Panic attacks: Panic attacks are sudden and intense feelings of fear that can include heart palpitations, sweating, shaking, and difficulty breathing.
If you recognize these signs in your child, it is important to seek professional help. Therapy can be an effective way for your teenager to learn coping strategies and overcome their anxiety.
Therapy can help your teen in the following ways:
Identifying triggers: Our Intermountain Counseling therapists can work with your child to identify the specific triggers that cause their anxiety. This may include social situations, school stress, or family dynamics.
Coping strategies: Your teenager can learn coping strategies to manage their anxiety. This may include deep breathing exercises, mindfulness techniques, or reframing negative thoughts.
Exposure therapy: Exposure therapy is a type of therapy that helps your teen confront their fears in a safe and controlled environment. This can help them overcome their anxiety and build confidence.
Medication: In some cases, medication may be recommended in conjunction with therapy to manage symptoms of anxiety.
As a parent, it's important to support your teenager in their journey towards managing their anxiety. Here are some tips:
Listen: Let your child know that you are there for them and willing to listen. Encourage them to express their feelings and concerns.
Validate their feelings: Let your teen know that it is normal to feel anxious and that you understand their struggles.
Help them seek professional help: Encourage your child to seek help from a therapist, and offer support throughout the therapy process. Intermountain Counseling offers anxiety counseling in Colorado Springs from a number of therapists on our team.
Practice self-care: Encourage your teen to practice self-care activities such as exercise, healthy eating, and getting enough sleep.
Remember, dealing with anxiety isn't a weakness, but an important step towards a life of stability.
The Anxiety Therapy process, for teenagers in cOLORADO sPRINGS:
Anxiety therapy will help your teenage son or daughter identify the areas of life where they’re feeling anxious. The anxiety therapist will help them with coping skills and lead them through practices that heal their brain so that they can adapt to what stresses them.
Each teenage therapy session is 50 minutes long. For best results in treating teenage anxiety, we recommend at least eight consecutive weeks of therapy in Colorado Springs. This timeframe helps the child and therapist move beyond surface conversations and develop a relationship that focuses on deep healing. Once the relationship has been established, sessions can be moved to biweekly or, if the child has resolved his or her significant struggles, can begin to move toward termination.

wEEK 1:
The first week is the intake session. Colorado’s laws allow for teenagers to be in charge of their own information; our anxiety therapist's, who work with teenagers, will discuss with adolescents the value of including their parents and/or families in counseling. The intake session also involves beginning to establish a warm and welcoming relationship between therapist and client, so your child feels comfortable opening up and working on their issues in subsequent sessions.
Week 2 and THE FOLLOWING weeks:
The early weeks of therapy will involve building rapport. This is crucial; young people will be more willing to open up and will have greater success addressing their struggles if they trust their anxiety therapist. The therapist, working with teenager's anxiety, will evaluate the child’s needs and use a combination of therapies determined to be the best fit for the unique needs of your son or daughter. Your child will also receive homework to be practiced at home. Ongoing and consistent application of skills and tools is necessary for growth.
Intermountain Counseling is committed to creating a safe, warm, and welcoming environment for teens and preteens so they feel empowered and equipped to overcome the obstacles in their life.
Termination is the agreed-upon ending of the therapeutic relationship once goals are achieved and takes 1 to 3 sessions, depending on your child's needs. The therapist will coordinate with the client to determine what is appropriate. Anxiety therapy should be a springboard into life; it’s vital that the relationship not be ended prematurely, which would undermine everything your child has work toward. If termination is deemed appropriate, the therapist will work with your child to establish a plan moving forward so that change remains consistent.